Point Reyes Lighthouse |
Point Reyes Lighthouse |
Point Reyes Conglomerate |
Point Reyes Conglomerate |
Point Reyes Conglomerate |
Point Reyes Headlands |
Point Reyes Conglomerate |
Point Reyes Headlands |
Whale skull at Point Reyes |
wind-shaped trees |
Point Reyes beach strand |
Point Reyes beach strand |
Historic Point Reyes Lifeboat Station |
Granite near Lifeboat Station |
sea lions' gravel beach |
Marine terrace deposits on Monterey Shale |
Chimney Rock |
Chimney Rock Overlook |
Point Reyes Headlands |
Point Reyes Headlands |
Point Reyes Headlands |
Point Reyes Headlands |
Seemingly content cattle |
Seemingly content cattle |
Mount Vision in distance |
Tomales Bay State Park |
Tomales Bay State Park |
Tomales Bay State Park |
Abandoned ship on Tomales Bay |
Great blue heron |
Blue schist knockers |
Tomales Bay south end |
San Andreas Fault |
Offset fence |
Limantour Beach |
Drakes Beach wave-cut bench |
Drakes Beach wave-cut bench |
Drakes Estero |
Abbotts Lagoon |
Kehoe Beach trail view |
Monterey Formation |
Kehoe Beach |
Kehoe Beach |
Kehoe Beach |
Kehoe Beach |
Veins of alaskite |
Debris chute |
Kehoe Beach |
Kehoe beach outcrops |
Tonalite outcrop |
Tule elk |
McClures Beach |
McClures Beach |
Olema Formation and Franciscan rocks |
Duxbury Reef |
Agate Beach |
Slump at Palomarin Beach |
Slump at Palomarin Beach |
Palomarin Headlands |
Tide pools at Palomarin Beach |
Palomarin Beach wave-cut bench |
Tide pools with Point Reyes |
Gravel beach and sea cliff |
Sea cliffs with talus slope |
Santa Margarita Sandstone |
Sea cliff with water fall |
Sea cliff with water fall |
Sea cave with concretion |
Tide pools |
Tide pools |
Cobbles on back beach |
Click on geology map of Point Reyes Peninsula for a larger view. Map from Stoffer, 2006. |