Note to viewers: the list of selected references within this web page is only a partial list of information about the geology, natural history, and archeology available about national parks from libraries and on the Internet. National Park Service—Map & Guide brochures, and guides to natural history and science information about National Park service sites can can be found at Every national park visitor center throughout the Colorado Plateau region have information about regional and local geology, archeology, and natural history. In addition to the selected references below, park brochures, exhibits, and outdoor displays are the source of much of the information on this Geology of National Parks websites. Face it.. the best way to learn about the regional geology is to go out and see and interpret it for yourself... there is new factual information out there, and there are a lot of dedicated scientists, naturalists, and informed citizens who will be better able to help you discover what we all need.![]() Southwest Archeology Jesse D. Jennings, 1966, Glen Canyon: An Archeological Summary: University of Utah, Dept. of Anthropology; no. 81. Glen Canyon series no. 31, 131 p. Stuart, D. E., 2000, Anasazi America: A New Book, and A New Way of Viewing the Past: University of New Mexico Press, 239 p. Southwest Biology Alden, P., and Friederici, P., eds., 1999, Field Guide to the Southwestern States (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah): National Audubon Society: NY: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 447 p. Williams, D.B. and Brown, G., 2000, A Naturalists's Guide to Canyon Country: Guilford, Connecticut: Canyonlands Natural History Association and Falcon Guide Publications, 188 p. Southwest Geology Baars, D.L., 1995, Navajo Country—A Geology and Natural History of the four Corners Region: Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, 255 p. Baars, D.L., 1986, The Colorado Plateau—A Geologic History: Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, 279 p. Chronic, H., 1989, Roadside Geology of New Mexico: Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 255 p. Chronic, H., 1990, Roadside Geology of Utah: Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 325 p. Hopkins, R.L., 2002, Hiking the Southwest's Geology—Four Corners Region: Seattle, Washington: The Mountaineers Books, 286 p. Hintze, L.F., Geologic History of Utah, A Field Guide to Utah's Rocks: Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Geologic Studies Special Publication 7, 202 p. Lucchitta, I., 2001, Hiking Arizona's Geology: Seattle, Washington: The Mountaineers Books, 270 p. Rigby, J.K., 1976, Field Guide—Northern Colorado Plateau: Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Geology Field Guide Series, 207 p. Sprinkel, D.A., Chidsey, T.C., Jr., and Anderson, eds., 2000, Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments: Published by Utah Geological Association and Bryce Canyon Natural History Association; Utah Geological Association Publication 28, 561 p. Stokes, W.L., 1987, Geology of Utah: Salt Lake City: Utah: Utah Museum of Natural History [and Utah Geological and Mineral Survey] Occasional Paper no. 4 : 280 p. Regional Guidebooks Adkison, R., 1991, Utah's National Parks: Hiking, Camping and Vacationing in Utah's Canyon Country: Zion, Bryce, Capitol Reef, Arches, and Canyonlands: Berkeley, California: Wilderness Press, 354 p. Chronic, H., 1984, Pages of Stone: Geology of Western National Parks and Monuments, no. 4— Grand Canyon and the Plateau Country: Seattle, Washington: The Mountaineers Press, 158 p. Linford, L.D., 2000, Navajo Places, a Place-Name Guide to Navajoland—History, Legend, Landscape: Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press, 353 p. Perry, J. and Perry, J.G., 1985, The Sierra Club Guide to the Natural Areas of Colorado and Utah: San Francisco: The Sierra Club, 316 p. Perry, J. and Perry, J.G., 1985, The Sierra Club Guide to the Natural Areas of New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada: San Francisco: The Sierra Club, 316 p. Steart, Tabori, & Chang Inc., 1984, Sierra Club Guides to the National Parks Desert Southwest: Arches, Big Bend, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Carlsbad Caverns, Grand Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, Mesa Verde, Petrified Forest, and Zion: Japan: Steart, Tabori, & Chang, Inc., 352 p. Weir, B., 1991, Utah Handbook: Chico, California: Moon Publications, Inc., 452 p. Arches National Park Baars, D., 1989, Canyonlands Country: Geology of Canyonlands and Arches National Parks: Moab, Utah: Canyonlands Natural History Association and Cañon Publishing Company, 140 p. Barnes, F.A., 1993, The Geology of the Moab Area [with mile-by-mile geology roadlogs]: Moab, Utah:Canyon Country Publications, 264 p. Harris, Ann G., Tuttle E., Tuttle, S.D., 1997, Chapter 6. Arches National Park, Southeast Utah: in Geology of National Parks, 5th Edition: Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, p. 80-91. Doelling, Helmut H., 2000, Geology of Arches National Park, Grand County, Utah: In Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, Sprinkel, D.A., Chidsey, T.C., and Anderson, P.B., editors, Utah Geological Association Publication 28, p. 11-36. Doelling, H. H., 1985, Geologic Map of Arches and Vicinity, Grand County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Map 74, scale 1:50,000. The URL is: Hintze, L.F., 1988, Geologic History of Utah; A Field Guide to Utah's Rocks: Brigham Young University Geology Studies Special Publication 7, p. 183 [Chart 84 - Moab-Arches-La Sal area]. National Park Services, [1989], The Guide to an Auto Tour of Arches National Park: Moab, Utah: Canyonlands Natural History Association, 28 p. Canyonlands National Park Baars, D., 1989, Canyonlands Country: Geology of Canyonlands and Arches National Parks: Moab, Utah: Canyonlands Natural History Association and Cañon Publishing Company, 140 p. Barnes: F.A., 1991, Canyon Country Camping: Salt Lake City, Utah: Wasatch Publishers, 124 p. Barnes, F.A., 1990, Canyon Country off-road vehicle trails - Canyon Rims and Needles areas: Moab Utah: Canyon Country Publications, no. 8., 96 p. Barnes, F.A., 1988, Canyon Country off-road vehicle trails - Island area: Moab Utah: Canyon Country Publications, no. 4., 80 p. Bickers, J., 1988, Canyon Country off-road vehicle trails - Maze area: Moab Utah: Canyon Country Publications, no. 18., 80 p. Capitol Reef National Park Hunt, C.B., Geology of the Henry Mountains, Utah, as recorded in the notebooks of G.K. Gilbert, 1875-1876: Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America Memoir 167, 229 p. Chaco Culture National Historic Park Mytton, J.W., and Schneider, G.B., 1987, Chaco Culter National Historic Park—Interpretive geology of the Chaco area, northwestern New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigation Series, Map I-1777. Colorado National Monument Baars, D.L., 1989, The Mind-Boggling Scenario of the Colorado National Monument: A Visitors Introduction: Grand Junction, Colorado: Cañon Publishers Ltd., 13 p. Dinosaur National Park West, L. and McKnight, C., 2001, Dinosaur—The Dinosaur National Monument Quarry: Vernal, Utah: Dinosaur Nature Association, 52 p. El Malpais National Monument Laughlin, A.W., Charles, R.W., Reid, K, and White, C., 1993, Field-trip guide to the geochronology of El Malpais National Monument ahd the Zuni-Bandera volcanic field, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, Bulletin 149, 23 p. Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Franklin, P.L., 1984, A River No More—The Colorado River and the West: Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press, 360 p. Kelsey, M.R., 2008, Boater's Guide to Lake Powell: Featuring Hiking, Camping, Geology, History & Archeology, 5th Edition: Provo, Utah: Kelsey Publishing Company, 288 p. Martin, R., 1989, A Story That Stands Like a Dam—Glen Canyon and the Struggle for the Soul of the West: New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc., 354 p. Grand Canyon National Park Belknap, B. and Belknap-Evans, K., 1989, Belknap's Waterproof Grand Canyon River Guide, All New Color Edition: Evergreen, Colorado: Westwater Books,: 98 p. Bues, S.S., and Morales, M., 1990, Grand Canyon Geology: New York: Oxford University Press and Museum of Northern Arizona, 518 p. Carothers, S.W., and Brown, B.T., 1991, The Colorado River Through Grand Canyon, Natural History and Human Change: Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press, 235 p. Muench, David: 2002, El Morro Trails: El Morro National Monument, New Mexico: Western National Parks Association, 22 p. U.S. Geological Survey, 1996, Field guide to the geology of the lower Grand Canyon - Lake Mead area: a structural transition: Flagstaff, Arizona: 7th Annual Science Teachers Worckshop, October, 1996, 62 p. Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument Allen, S., 1997, Canyoneering 3: Loop Hikes in Utah's Escalante: Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 328 p. Lambrechtse, R., 1985, Hiking the Escalante: Salt Lake City: Wasatch Publishers, Inc., 189 p. Kelsey, M.R., 1991, Hiking and Exploring the Paria River (Including: The Story of John D. Lee and Mountain Meadows Massacre), Updated Edition: Provo, Utah: Kelsey Publishing, 208 p. Mesa Verde National Park Griffitts, M.O., 1990, Guide to the Geology of Mesa Verde National Park: Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado: Mesa Verde Museum Association, 87 p. Houk, R., [1989], Balcony House: Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado: Mesa Verde Museum Association, 15 p. Natural Bridges National Monument National Park Service, [1990], A Guide To Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah: Moab, Utah: Canyonlands Natural History Association, 43 p. Petrified Forest National Park Ash, S., 1990, Petrified Forest National Park—The Story behind the Scenery: Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona:Petrified Forest Natural History Association, 48 p. |
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Last modified 12/21/2009