Interstate 78 Through The New Jersey Highlands
One of the best escape routes from the city is the Holland Tunnel.(Completed
in 1927, it was named after an Engineer, C. F. Holland, not the Dutch country!)
At its western end you resurface in Hoboken, New Jersey. If civilization still
exists, hopefully you won't have to endure a line of traffic on the New Jersey
Turnpike Extension across Newark Bay into Newark. After paying alms to the toll
engineer, you hop onto I-78 and, hopefully, leave the traffic behind.
The drive west along I-78 across New Jersey is one of the most exceptional
highway geology tours of North America. The roadside exposures change from mile
to mile. (However, please don't plan to stop along the Interstate! Accidents
are called "accidents" for good reason! Plan time to look at stops
at exits along the way.) From its terminus at the Turnpike in Jersey City, the
next 35 miles of highway cross the igneous ridges and sedimentary valleys of
the Newark Basin (see Chapter 4 on Mesozoic
Basins). The interstate crosses the valleys of the Passaic and Raritan Rivers.
Just east of Exit 18 (Clinton, NJ) the interstate leaves the Newark Basin and
enters the Highlands of the Reading Prong. The next fifteen miles includes some
of the most complex geology in the region. The road crosses sections of folded
and faulted Precambrian rock, early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, and additional
outlier patches of Newark Basin rocks. Near exit 7 the interstate climbs Musconetong
Mountain then drops into the Great Valley, a region underlain by complexly folded
and faulted Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks typical of the Valley and Ridge
Two public sites near I-78 where rocks and geologic structures of the Highlands
can be examined include exposures in and around Round Valley State Park and
Spruce Run State Park (Figure 48).
Figure 48. Generalized geologic map of the New Jersey Highlands along
I-78 (after Drake et al, 1996). |