Glen Canyon
Colorado River, on right bank a little below mouth of Fremont River [Dirty Devil River]. Repairing a boat [the Cañonita] which was left in 1871 at mouth of the river. Left to right: W. Johnson, F. S. Dellenbaugh, and Jack Hillers. Utah. 1872. Photo by James Fennemore.
USGS Earth Science Photographic Archive digital file: hjk00778

On the First Expedition (1869), Powell named the region downstream of the Dirty Devil River, Glen Canyon -- named for the abundance of coves, alcoves, and grottos along the canyon and side streams. The gradient of the river lessened downstream of the Dirty Devil River, giving a much-need reprieve to the trials experienced in Cataract Canyon and later in the Grand Canyon. Before being flooded by the reservoir, the passage of Glen Canyon extended about 150 miles downstream to Lees Ferry.
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