63. South Point Conference
House, Tottenville, Staten Island
South Point is the southernmost point in New York State. It is located
at the intersection of the Arthur Kill where it joins Raritan Bay. Along
the wave scoured shore at South Point are outcrops of Wisconsin-age glacial
till which demonstrate that glaciers reached the southernmost extent of
New York State (Harbor Hill moraine). The outcrop of unstratified till
consists of a mix of reworked material from points north. Large blocks
of Palisades diabase, Precambrian and Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, and
Newark Basin sedimentary rocks are mixed with clay, silt, sand, and gravel
more typical of glacial deposits in New Jersey. (Similar deposits crop
out around the intersection of Highway 440, the Garden State Parkway,
and Route 9). These outcrops demonstrate that the Raritan River Valley
marks the southernmost advance of the glaciers. Rising sea level flooded
the valley forming Raritan Bay. The scour of waves and tides have exposed
glacial till in sea cliffs along Arthur Kill (Figure 158).
Figure 158. Glacial moraine exposed in sea cliffs at South Point
on Staten Islands. This is the southernmost outcrop in the state of
New York. |
Bring a picnic with you to this beach. On a summer weekend it is possible
to take a short tour of the Conference House, the restored home of British
naval captain Christopher Billopp, built around 1680. The home was was
used for a meeting between Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Edward Rutledge,
and British officials in a failed attempt to negotiate the end of aggression
during the Revolutionary War. The house sits on a low hill overlooking
the mouth of Arthur Kill and Raritan Bay. The downtown waterfront of Perth
Amboy, NJ is situated on the south side of Arthur Kill from this locality.
The Conference House is located at 7445 Hylan Boulevard (the southern
terminus of the road). Take either Exit 3 (Hylan Blvd) south after crossing
the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, or stay on the Staten Island Expressway
to the West Shore Expressway, and exiting at the last exit before the
Outerbridge Crossing (Arthur Kill Rd.); drive south and turn right on
Bentley St.; then turn right onto Hylan Blvd. Park on the street or in
the parking area at the Conference House. During low tide a large amount
of glacial material is exposed along the shore. It is possible to walk
south along the shore for about a half mile around the point to examine
the moraine outcrops.