58. Lebanon State Forest
Lebanon State Forest was named after the local Lebanon Glass Works established
in 1851. The manufacture of glass utilized the nearly pure quartz sand
and wood charcoal resources of the area. The manufacture of glass ended
around 1967 when all the accessible wood resources were exhausted. The
forest has since become reestablished across the region. The state began
acquiring property in 1908 to establish a managed forest for lumber production,
public recreation, wildlife management, and water resource protection
(see Figure 135 on the Pine
Barrens page). The state forest currently covers about 32,000 acres, offering
many miles of sand roads and hiking trails that lead through the woodlands.
Sandy upland areas covered with pitch pine and oak forests, cedar swamps
occur along streams, and an expanse of freshwater bogs have been modified
for growing and harvesting cranberries and blueberries. The clean white
sand exposed along the bogs, streams, and along the trails consists of
remarkably pure quartz, derived from the underlying Cohansey and Kirkwood
Formations (see Tertiary Stratigraphy).
Traces of dark-colored heavy minerals can be seen in concentrated patches
sorted and separated by running water. Just to the east of Lebanon State
Forest is a heavy mineral separation operation that targets sand lenses
which are concentrated with the minerals leucoxene and illmenite; both
of which are enriched in titanium, an element that was particularly in
demand during the Cold War.
The Batona Trail begins at a parking area at Ongs Hat on the northwest
side of the forest (see Figure
135). Perhaps the most heavily traveled portion of the trail extends
for two miles between a ranger station near the intersection of highways
70 and 72, and a camping and picnic area near Pakin Pond along the west
side of the preserve (Figure 137). "Pakin" is the Lenape Indian
word for Cranberry. Pakin Pond is an abandoned cranberry bog that is now
a popular, scenic swimming hole. The water in the pond, in the creeks,
and in the expanse of cranberry bogs to the east of Pakin Pond is a rich
golden brown from the abundance of dissolved tannins and other organic
compounds derived from the decay of pine needles and oak leaves. The Batona
Trail between the ranger station and the pond follows the western border
of Cedar Swamp Natural Area, a large swamp filled with a nearly impenetrable
growth of American white cedar, and is a refuge for a variety of rare
ferns, orchids and carnivorous plants (sundews and pitcher plants). It
is interesting to consider that as recently as 12,000 years ago none of
the species that currently live in the pine barrens existed here. During
the maximum chill of the Pleistocene glaciation this region was probably
a grassy tundra similar to the north slope of Alaska or Canada. Nearly
all current species have migrated northward into the region in the past
10-12,000 years.
Figure 137. A sandy beach next to the brown tea-colored waters of
Pakin Pond, an abandoned cranberry bog within the pine barrens of
Lebanon State Forest. |