38. Port Jervis Gorge
Having traveled as far as High Point, it is well worth the additional
drive to perhaps grab a meal in Port Jervis, then stop at the overlooks
in Port Jervis Gorge along Pa Route 97 north of town. This winding stretch
of highway along the gorge of the Delaware River should be familiar to
anyone who spends time watching television; it is the site of numerous
car commercials (Figure 82). The gorge is also a popular birding stop
because bald eagles are frequently sited soaring along the cliffs.
Figure 82. The Delaware River Gorge north of Port Jervis. Late Devonian
sedimentary rocks of the Catskill Group are well exposed along sinuous
Pa Route 97 (beckoning another car commercial). |
The town of Port Jervis is situated on a great bend on the Delaware River.
The river drains southeastward, dividing a the region of nearly flat-lying
Late Devonian sedimentary rocks of a great plateau (the Catskills are
to the northeast in New York, and the Poconos are to the southwest in
Pennsylvania). At Port Jervis, the river bends to the southeast following
the Port Jervis Trough, the valley formed along the belt of steeply westward-dipping
Early and Middle Devonian strata along the western flank of Kittatinny
Traveling north from Port Jervis on Route 97 the road gradually climbs
up section through the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group into the Late Devonian
strata of the Catskill Group. The strata in the gorge are gently dipping
to the northwest. Near the southern entrance of the gorge the dark gray
shale and mudstone of the Mahantango Formation yields marine fossils,
mostly scarce brachiopod fragments. In the vicinity of the sinuous curves
and roadside overlook pull offs, the cliffs consist of lower Late Devonian
Catskill Group (or Genesee Group). If time and extreme care are taken,
it is possible to find pieces of fossil wood exposed in the cliffs and
ledges of the dark sandstone above the road. The fossil wood are fragments
that were buried in ancient streams channels; some fragments reach several
inches in diameter and several feet in length. The wood is from ancient
fern trees which lived on the ancient flood plains or in the Acadian Highlands
regions to the east. These fragments of wood are some of the oldest fossil
wood found on Earth!