The sculpture artist, Gutzon Borglum, began his efforts to make a sculpture in the Black Hills in 1924 (NPS, 2010). Borglum chose the Mount Rushmore location because of its smooth-grained granite, its 5,725 foot elevation (with relief well above the surrounding nearby uplands of the Black Hills), and it's southern exposure on the mountainside, giving it sunlight most of the day. Click here to learn more about the geology of the Black Hills region.
3D photographer's comment—note that spacing of the cameras ranged from about 1 to 20 meters for this series of stereo anaglyphic images. (Focus left camera on nose, "click!" walk 5 to 10 paces to right, focus right camera on nose, "click!" ) Make anaglyph, trim foreground if necessary. Try different scales for distant features. The greater the distance apart the cameras, the more exaggerated the relief will be—at a distance. With increasing distance between cameras, objects in the foreground are lost to distortion, so trimming is usually essential. |