A man standing next to a small tree. He is wearing native dress with a crown of feathers and hold a bow and arrows
“Tau-Um-Pu-Gaip, Sub-Chief of the  Mo-a-pá-ria-ats.”
Indians of the Colorado Valley Series. No. 54.
“MO-A-PÁ-RI-ATS, A tribe of Indians inhabiting the valley of the Mó-a-pa River, a tributary of the Rio Virgen, in Southern Nevada.”
U.S. Topographical and Geological Survey of the Colorado River of the West. By J.W. Powell and H.H. Thompson.
Photographed by John K. Hillers.
“Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by J.W. Powell, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.”
[The following label note overlaps the label above.] “Published by J.F. Jarvis, 479 Pa. Avenue, Washington, D.C.”
Library of Congress, Photo Archive image ID 1s00840v.jpg
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