Clickhere to start a tour of Hovenweep National Monument. Click on any of the images to continue to the next page in the linked series of web pages. Or, see a thumbnail gallery.
Click on the map or click on "next image" to see a series of park images. Click on park names to see other image tours of parks in the Four Corners Region.
Click on images for a larger view.
Sleeping Ute Mountain
Hovenweep Castle
Hovenweep Castle
Hovenweep Castle
Hovenweep Canyon
Sandstone breakdown
Cottonwood Trees
Sandstone breakdown
Twin Towers
Tower Point Ruin
Hovenweep Castle
Little Ruins Canyon
Square Tower
Ruins along the trail.
Hovenweep Castle
Hovenweep Castle
Hovenweep Castle
Hovenweep Castle
Click here to see more geology tours of National Parks.
Click here to learn more about Hovenweep National Monument (National Park Service website:
Click here to learn more about the geology of the Colorado Plateau.
This website contains images produced from stereo photo pairs that were manipulated into anaglyphs (3D images). You will need red-and-cyan stereo viewing glasses to get the 3D visual effects. Photography on this website was taken in the summer of 2005.
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Last modified 12/20/2010