Sego Sandstone |
Usage of Geologic Unit Name: Sego Sandstone (CO*,UT*) Sego Member of Iles Formation of Mesaverde Group (CO) Sego Sandstone Member of Iles Formation of Mesaverde Group (CO,UT) |
Age: Cretaceous, Late* Campanian, late* |
Geologic Province: Paradox basin* Piceance basin* |
Areal Extent: CO(wc)* UT(ec)* |
Type Locality: Village of Sego in Book Cliffs, Grand Co., UT (Erdmann, 1934). Named for town of Sego, T. 20 S., R. 20 E., Grand Co., UT. No type locality designated (Fisher, 1936);Type section designated in Sego Canyon, secs. 3, 15, 28, and 33, T. 20 S., R. 20 E., Grand Co., UT (Franczyk and others, 1990). |
Unit Name History: First used as basal formation of Mesaverde Group (Erdmann, 1934). Named as a member of Price River Formation of Mesaverde Group (Fisher, 1936). Revised, raised to formation rank (Cobban and Reeside, 1952). Revised, designated as Sego Member of Neslen facies of Price River Formation (Young, 1955). Overview (Fisher and others, 1960). Revised, reassigned to Mesaverde Formation; Age modified; Areal limits; Overview (Warner, 1964). Revised, reassigned to Iles Formation of Mesaverde Group (Collins, 1976). Age modified (Fouch and others, 1983). Overview (Franczyk, 1989; Franczyk and others, 1990). |
Erdmann, C.E., 1934, The Book Cliffs coal field in Garfield and Mesa Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, 851, 150 p. Fisher, L.W., 1936, Minerals in the Bates limestone, Lewiston, Maine: American Mineralogist, v. 21, no. 5, p. 321-326. Cobban, W.A. and Reeside, J.B., Jr., 1952, Correlation of the Cretaceous formations of the Western Interior of the United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 63, no. 10, p. 1011-1043. Young, R.G., 1955, Sedimentary facies and intertonguing in the Upper Cretaceous of the Book Cliffs, Utah-Colorado: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 66, no. 2, p. 177-202. Fisher, D.J., Erdmann, C.E. and Reeside, J.B., Jr., 1960, Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of the Book Cliffs, Carbon, Emery, and Grand Counties, Utah, and Garfield and Mesa Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 332, 80 p. Warner, D.L., 1964, Mancos-Mesaverde (Upper Cretaceous) intertonguing relations southeast Piceance basin, Colorado: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 48, no. 7, p. 1091-1107. Collins, B.A., 1976, Coal deposits of the Carbondale, Grand Hogback, and southern Danforth Hills coal fields, eastern Piceance basin, Colorado: Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, v. 71, no. 1. Fouch, T.D., Lawton, T.F., Nichols, D.J., Cashion, W.B. and Cobban, W.A., 1983, Patterns and timing of synorogenic sedimentation in Upper Cretaceous rocks of central and northeast Utah, IN Reynolds, M.W., and Dolly, E.D., editors, Mesozoic paleogeography of the west-central United States: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Rocky Mountain Section, Rocky Mountain Paleogeography Symposium, v. 2, p. 305-336. Franczyk, K.J., 1989, Depositional controls on the late Campanian Sego Sandstone and implications for associated coal-forming environments in the Uinta and Piceance basins, IN Evolution of sedimentary basins; Uinta and Piceance basins: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, 1787-F, p. F1-F17. Franczyk, K.J., Pitman, J.K. and Nichols, D.J., 1990, Sedimentology, mineralogy, palynology, and depositional history of some uppermost Cretaceous and lowermost Tertiary rocks along the Utah Book and Roan cliffs east of the Green River, IN Evolution of sedimentary basins; Uinta and Piceance basins: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, 1787-N, p. N1-N27. |
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