Cedar Mesa Sandstone |
Usage of Geologic Unit Name: Cedar Mesa Sandstone of Cutler Group (UT) Cedar Mesa Formation of Cutler Group (AZ,UT) Cedar Mesa Formation (NM) Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation (AZ*,CO*,NM*,UT*) |
![]() Cedar Mesa Sandstone in Natural Bridges National Monument. ![]() Cedar Mesa Sandstone in the Needles area of Canyonlands National Park. |
Age: Permian, Early* Wolfcampian* |
Geologic Province: Paradox basin* Black Mesa basin* San Juan basin* |
Areal Extent: AZ(ne)* CO(sw)* NM(nw)* UT(se)* |
Type Locality: Not designated. Named for Cedar Mesa on the San Juan River, San Juan Co., UT (Baker and Reeside, 1929). |
Unit Name History: Named Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member (1 of 4 members) of Cutler Formation (Baker and Reeside, 1929). Revised, assigned as middle formation of Cutler Group (Wengerd and Matheny, 1958). Overview; Revised (Baars, 1962). Overview (Stanesco and Campbell, 1989). Revised (Loope and others, 1990). Overview (Condon, 1992). |
Refrences Baker, A.A. and Reeside, J.B., Jr., 1929, Correlation of the Permian of southern Utah, northern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 13, no. 11, p. 1413-1448. Wengerd, S.A. and Matheny, M.L., 1958, Pennsylvanian system of the Four Corners region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 42, no. 9, p. 2048-2106. Baars, D.L., 1962, Permian system of Colorado Plateau: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 46, no. 2, p. 149-218. Stanesco, J.A. and Campbell, J.C., 1989, Eolian and noneolian facies of the Lower Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of the Cutler Formation, southeastern Utah, IN Evolution of sedimentary basins, San Juan basin: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, 1808-F, p. F1-F13. Loope, D.B., Sanderson, G.A. and Verville, G.J., 1990, Abandonment of the name "Elephant Canyon Formation" in southeastern Utah; physical and temporal implications: The Mountain Geologist, v. 27, no. 4, p. 119-130 Condon, S.M., 1992, Geologic framework of pre-Cretaceous rocks in the Southern Ute Indian Reservation and adjacent areas, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, IN Geology and mineral resources of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1505-A, p. A1-A56 Langford, R. P., Chan, M. A., 1993, Downwind changes within an ancient
dune sea, Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone, Southeast Utah: In, Aeolian sediments,
ancient and modern: Loope, David B; Sanderson, George A; Verville, George J., 1990, Abandonment of the name "Elephant Canyon Formation" in southeastern Utah; physical and temporal implications: The Mountain Geologist, v. 27, no. 4, p. 119-130. Langford, R P; Chan, M A, 1989, Fluvial-aeolian interactions; Part II, Ancient systems: Sedimentology, v. 36, no. 6, p. 1037-1051. Condon, Steven M; Stanesco, John D; Campbell, John A., 1989, Revisions of Middle Jurassic nomenclature in the southeastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico; eolian and noneolian facies of the Lower Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of the Cutler Formation, southeastern Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin B 1808-E,F, p. E1-E21 and F1-F13. Stanesco, John D., and Campbell, John A., 1989, Eolian and noneolian facies of the Lower Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of the Cutler Formation, southeastern Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, Report: B 1808-E,F, p. F1-F13. Langford, Richard P. and Chan, Marjorie A, 1988, Flood surfaces and deflation surfaces within the Cutler Formation and Cedar Mesa Sandstone (Permian), southeastern Utah: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol.100, no.10, p. 1541-1549. |
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