Canyon of Lodore

Disaster Falls in Canyon of Lodore, Green River. Dinosaur National Monument. Moffat County, Colorado. June 18, 1871. Photo by E. O. Beaman.
USGS Earth Science Photographic Archive digital file: hjk00577

In 1869, the First Expedition's loss of one of three boats (the "No Name") at Disaster Falls on June 7th, 1869. One whole boatload of rations, equipment, and the boat crew's guns and clothing were lost, although some of the instruments and rations were later salvaged. A three-gallon keg of whiskey smuggled onto the boat without Powell's knowledge was also recovered, which Powell shared, at first reluctantly, with his men to rebuild morale. It would take them several days to portage the rapids and to dry out their rations. Shortly afterward, a camp fire burned out of control and caused additional damage and alarm. However, despite their losses (no one was seriously injured), the voyage continued into what Powell described as some of the most spectacular scenery of the journey. With success in hunting and fishing, their spirits soon recovered. In 1871, the crew of the Second Expedition found remnants of the No Name along the river two miles below the rapids where it had been lost.

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