Canyon of Desolation, Green River. Boats of the 1871 Expedition. Utah.
(Negative broken).
USGS Earth Science Photographic Archive digital file: hjk00719
Note about anaglyphic images: the red color is associated with the left
image, the cyan color is associated with the right. In this case the "left"
side of plate was broken, causing the cyan to stand out where part of the
plate is missing (both images were typically burned onto a single plate
negative in the camera equipped with dual lenses). When red and cyan are
combined in the images, the result is a gray-scale palette (white to black).
The aged original photographs also had brownish tones that come through
in many of the images. Unusual shaped patches of red or cyan color are usually
imperfections in the original negative plates, either scratches or where
the coating may of rubbed off or were imperfectly prepared before exposure.
Considering the time constrains, methods involved, and circumstances required
to take and transport the glass plates, cameras, and photographs supplies,
the survival of so many scenes is a reflection of the remarkable dedication
to the photographic aspects of the expedition. |