Memorial marker at the base of the Miamisburg Mound.

This plaque prepared by Ohio Historical Society attached to a large glacial erratic (boulder) reads:


"This is the highest and largest of the many conical burial mounds in Ohio. Erected in prehistoric times by the so-called Mound Builders, it stands as an imposing memorial to those 'first Ohioans.'

"The mound is 70 feet in height; 877 feet in circumference at the base; covers approximately on and on-half acres, and is estimated to contain 54,000 cubic yards of earth."

"The land included in this state monument was donated to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historic Society by Charles Franklin Kettering of Dayton, Ohio. The glacial boulder was from the farm upon which Mr. Kettering was born near Loudonville, Ashland County Ohio."

"Erected by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus Ohio 1983."

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