Selected References

Maps, books, and selected historic reports that describe the rocks, stratigraphy, and natural history of the Big Bend National Park area

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Barker, D. S., Henry, C. D. and McDowell, F. W., 1986, Pine Canyon caldera, Big Bend National Park; a mildly peralkaline magmatic system: in Igneous geology of Trans-Pecos Texas; field trip guide and research articles, Price, J. G., and others, editors, University of Texas-Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Guidebook, no. 23, p. 266-285.

Barnes, V. E., 1977, Geologic atlas of Texas, Del Rio Sheet; Robert Thomas Hill memorial edition: University of Texas-Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.

Barnes, V. E., 1979, Geologic atlas of Texas, Emory Peak-Presidio Sheet; Joshua William Beede memorial edition: University of Texas-Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.

Bohannan, R. G., 2004, Geology of the southern Chisos Mountains: Insights from new geologic mapping in Big Bend National Park, Texas: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, No. 5, p. 128.

Cooper, D. A., Cooper, R. W., Stevens, J. B., and Stevens, M. S.,2007, The Hot Springs Trail reference section (Cenomanian-Turonian-Coniacian), Ernst Member, Boquillas Formation, Big Bend National Park, Texas: Geological Society of America, Denver Annual Meeting (28-31 October 2007): Paper no. 236-10. Available online at:

Duex, T. W., Kinsland, G. L., and Tucker, D. R., 1994, The Sierra Quemada Caldera: A major event in the geologic history of Big Bend National Park, Texas: in Structure and Tectonics of the Big Bend and Southern Permian Basin, Texas: Laroche, T. M. and Viveiros, J. J., editors, West Texas Geological Society 1994 Field Trip Guidebook, Publication 94-95, p. 213-228.

Fallin, J. A. T., 1990, Hydrogeology of the Terlingua Area, Texas: Texas Water Development Board Report 323, 50 p. Available on-line at:

Freeman, V. L., 1964, Geologic Map of the Indian Wells Quadrangle, Terrell and Brewster Counties, Texas: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map, I-395, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500

Gucker, C. L., 2006, Agave lechuguilla. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available on-line at:

Gray, J. E. and Page W. R. editors, 2008, Geological, geochemical, and geophysical Studies by the U. S. Geological Survey in Big Bend National Park, Texas: U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1327, 93 p. Available online at .

Henry, C. D. and Price, J. G., 1985, Summary of the tectonic development of Trans-Pecos Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Miscellaneous Map No. 36, scale 1:500,000.

Henry, C. D. Price, J. G., and Miser, D. E., 1989, Geology and Tertiary igneous activity of the Hen Egg Mountain and Christmas Mountains quadrangles, Big Bend Region, Trans-Pecos Texas: University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations no. 183, 105 p.

Henry, C. D., McDowell, F. W., Price, J. G. and Smyth, R. C., 1986, Compilation of potassium-argon ages of Tertiary igneous rocks, Trans-Pecos Texas: University of Texas-Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular, no. 86-2, 34 p.

Hill, R. T. and Vaughan, T. W., 1898, Geology of the Edwards Plateau and Rio Plain adjacent to Austin and San Antonio, Texas, with reference to the occurrence of underground waters: U. S. Geological Survey Annual Report, 18, pt. 2, p. 193-321.

Hill, R. T., 1901, Geography and geology of the Black and Grand Prairies, Texas: U. S. Geological Survey Annual Report, 21, pt. 7, 666 p.

Kozman, J. B., 1986, A walk through time: a geologic guide to the hiking trails of the High Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park: in Geology of the Big Bend Area and Solitario Dome, Texas: Pause, P. H., and Gray, R. G., editors, West Texas Geological Society 1986 Field Trip Guidebook, Publication 86-82, 83-89 p.

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, [2010], Native Plant Database: The University of Texas at Austin, website available online at

MacLeod, W., 2002, Big Bend Vistas: A Geological Exploration of the Big Bend: Alpine, Texas: Texas Geological Press, 255 p.

Maxwell, R. A., 1968, The Big Bend of the Rio Grande: A Guide to the Rocks, Geologic History, and Settlers of the Area of Big Bend National Park: Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Guidebook 7. Available online at

Maxwell, R. A., (compiler), 1986, 1965/1972 road logs: in Geology of the Big Bend Area and Solitario Dome, Texas: Pause, P. H., and Gray, R. G., editors, West Texas Geological Society 1986 Field Trip Guidebook, Publication 86-82, p. 167-277.

Maxwell, R. A. and Dietrich, J. W., 1965, Geologic summary of the Big Bend region: in Geology of the Big Bend area, Texas; with road log and papers on natural history of the area: West Texas Geological Society Special Publication, no. 65-51, October, 1965, p. 11-33.  

Maxwell, R. A. and Lonsdale, J. T., 1966, Geologic Map of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas: University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, map scale 1:62,500.

Maxwell, R. A., Lonsdale, J. T., Hazzard, R. T., and Wilson, J. A., 1967, Stratigraphy: in Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas: Maxwell, R. A. and others, editors, The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Publication 6711, p. 23-156.

Miggins, D. P., Ren, M., and Anthony, E. Y., 2008, Volcanic geology of serveral prominent outcrops in the western part of Big Bend National Park: in Geological, geochemical, and geophysical Studies by the U. S. Geological Survey in Big Bend National Park, Texas: Gray, J. E. and Page W. R. editors, U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1327, p. 29-42. Available online at .

Moon, C. G., 1953, Geology of Agua Fria quadrangle, Brewster County, Texas: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 64, no. 2, p. 151-196.

Muzika, R. M., and Swearingen, J. M., 2009, Salt Cedar: Tamarix aphylla, T. chinensis, T. gallica, T. parviflora, and T. ramosissima - Tamarisk family (Tamaricaceae): Plant Conservation Alliance, Alien Plant Working Group website. Available on-line at:

National Park Service, 2009, Mariscal Mine: Big Bend National Park website. Available on-line at:

National Park Service, 2010, Geology of Big Bend National Park: Big Bend National Park website. Available on-line at:

National Park Service, 1983, Big Bend National Park, Texas: Official National Park Handbook: Washington DC: U. S. Department of the Interior Handbook 119, 137 p.

Page, W. R., Turner, K. J., and Bohannon, R. G., 2008, Tectonic history of Big Bend National Park: in Geological, geochemical, and geophysical Studies by the U. S. Geological Survey in Big Bend National Park, Texas: Gray, J. E. and Page W. R. editors, U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1327, p. 3-13. Available online at .

Pause, P. H., and Gray, R. G., editors, Geology of the Big Bend Area and Solitario Dome, Texas: West Texas Geological Society 1986 Field Trip Guidebook, Publication 86-82, 279 p.

Price, J. G. and Henry, C. D., 1988, Dikes in Big Bend National Park; Petrologic and tectonic significance: South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Centennial Field Guide, Volume. 4, p. 435-440.

Scheubel, F. R. and Mruk, D. H., editors, 1994, Structure and tectonics of the Big Bend region, road log: in Structure and Tectonics of the Big Bend and Southern Permian Basin, Texas: West Texas Geological Society 1994 Field Trip Guidebook, T. M. Laroche and J. J. Viveiros, editors, Publication 94-95, p. 1-119.

Stamm, N. and Soller, D., compilers, [2008], Geolex Database [a subset of the National Geologic Map Database]: Reston, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey. Available online at

Stevens, J. B., 1988, Basal Gulfian and Comanchean Section, Anguila Fault Zone and Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park, Trans-Pecos Texas, and Chihuahua, Mexico: South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Centennial Field Guide, Volume. 4, p. 423-428.

Stevens, J. B., 1988, Mid Tertiary and Pleistocene sections, Sotol Vista to Cerro Castellan, Big Bend National Park, southwestern Brewster County, Trans-Pecos Texas: South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Centennial Field Guide, Volume. 4, p. 429-434.

Stone, K. R., 2010, Ocotillo. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (producer). Available on-line at:

Tauvers, P. R. and Muehlberger, W. R., 1988, Persimmon Gap in Big Bend National Park, Texas; Ouachita facies and Cretaceous cover deformed in a Laramide thrust: South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America, Centennial Field Guide, Volume. 4, p. 417-422.

Tyler, R. C., 1996, The Big Bend: A History of the Last Texas Frontier: College Station, Texas: 1st Texas A&M Press, 304 p.

Udden, J. A., 1907, A sketch of the geology of the Chisos Country, Brewster County, Texas: University of Texas Bulletin, no. 93, 101 p.

USDA, [2010], Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville var. tridentata (creosote bush): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Profiles Database:
Available on-line at:

Van Valkenburg, A., 1991, A Guide to Dagger Flats, A Desert Plant Community: Big Bend National Park, Texas: Big Bend Natural History Association, 19 p.

Yates, R. G. and Thompson, G. A., Geology and Quicksilver Deposits of the Terlingua District Texas: U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 312, 114 p. [A detailed study of the geology of a mercury mining district that produced 150,000 flasks of quicksilver].

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