Geology of National Parks

Wind Cave National Park

A Photographic Geology Tour

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Click here to start a tour of the Wind Cave National Park in western South Dakota. Click on any of the images to continue to the next page in the linked series of web pages. Or, see a thumbnail gallery.

Map of Wind Cave National Park
Click on the map or click on "next image" to see a series of park images.

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Click on images for a larger view.
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave passage Wind Cave ceiling Wind Cave ceiling
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park

Wind Cave National Park

Wind Cave National Park Wall in Wind Cave travertine deposits (rare) Wind Cave passages
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park
Wind Cave passages Passage with box-work areas hand-dug passage Wind Cave passage
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park
Scallop-textured ceiling Trail between caven entrances Trail to Natural Entrance Sandstone caprock outcrop
Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park Wind Cave National Park
Natural entrance American bison (buffalo) American bison (buffalo) American bison (buffalo)

Click here to see a geologic map of the Black Hills region.

Click here to learn more about Wind Cave National Park (National Park Service website:

3D glasses

Photography on this website was taken in 2009. This website contains images produced from stereo photo pairs that were manipulated into anaglyphs (3-D images). You will need red-and-cyan stereo viewing glasses to get the 3-D visual effects.

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Last modified: 10/17/2010

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