Serpent Mound State Memorial, Ohio
Sketch Map of Serpent Mound Park by F. W. Putnam (1871).
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Serpent Mound State Memorial is a Archaeological Park preserve in Adams, County Ohio. It preserves the largest serpent effigy in the world. The Great Serpent Mound is an earthworks 1,348 feet long, about five feet high, and twenty feet wide. The mound represents a great snake with sinuous cuves and a coiled tail. In its mouth is is swallowing a large egg. There are no burials within the mound and it is interpreted to have been used for ceremonial purposes. Two burial mounds in the vicinity were created in the Adena (Hopewell) culture tradition (between 800 B.C. - A.D. 100). A third mound was created in the Fort Ancient culture tradition (A.D. 1000-1650).
The earthworks are located on an elevated terrace above the Bush Creek Valley.
Great Serpent Mound is also located within a nearly mile wide geologic feature known as a cryptoexplosive structure—a large geologic structure interpreted as an ancient asteroid impact crater that formed in the late Paleozoic era. The exposed bedrock in the vicinity of Serpent Mound is complexly faulted in a great circular structure. |
Map of Miamisburg Mound State Memorial Park: Click here or on the map to see a larger view.
Click here to see a larger scale map of Ohio showing the location of Miamisburg Mound State Memorial Park. |
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Map of the Serpent Mound cryptoexplosicve structure |
Historical marker describing Serpent Mound |
Serpent Mound view from a park observation tower. |
View of part of Serpent Mound and park trail. |
Serpent skeleton on a park display. |
Interpretive sign for summer solstice orientation of features |
Interpretive sign for winter solstice orientation of features |
Brush Creek Valley next to bluff with Serpent Mound |
Egg in serpent's mouth |
Serpent Mounds |
Late burial mound |
Box turtle |