Dinosaur National Monument
This view is looking downstream (south) along the Green River from the Split Mountain Overlook in Dinosaur National Monument.The modern river channel expands to cover the entire flood plain in times of high flow, particularly during the spring snow melt. The construction of the high dam in Flaming Gorge has significantly altered the natural discharge of the Green River, but the Yampa River and other regional streams still retain most of their uncontrolled natural flow. This view shows two stream terraces on the left bank of the river, and two higher terraces are visible on the flanks of Blue Mountain in the distance. The 1st Terrace is about 40 feet above river level, the 2nd Terrace is about 120 feet above stream level. A 3rd Terrace forms a flat bench above some low cliffs along the river in the distance and is about 350 feet above stream level, and a 4th Terrace is about 700 feet above stream level. The degree of erosional degradation of each of the terraces increases with each higher (and older) terrace.
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Last modified: 11/30/2010