Dinosaur National Monument
This view from the Harpers Corner Overlook Trail is overlooking a great monoclinal fold associated with the Mitten Park Fault along the canyon cut by the Green River. The confluence of the Green and Yampa Rivers is to the right. The Green River makes a great U-shaped bend near the confluence and flows around Steamboat Rock (partially shown here in the lower right side of the image). Sedimentary rocks of Proterozoic and Cambrian age exposed in the mountainsides to the left; the rocks on upper right side of the canyon are middle to late Paleozoic-age sedimentary formations, mostly sandstone with some limestone and shale of Missippian to Permian age (Gregson and Chure, 2000; Hansen and others, 1983).
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The URL is: https://gotbooks.miracosta.edu/gonp/dinosaur/html/dino078.htm
Last modified: 11/30/2010