Fluorescent Mineral Hunting Accessories

Blue and white fuzzy image of a scorpion on a black rock background.
There are many types of Ultraviolet lamps available. Long-wave UV (A Band) are least expensive, but have limited use for minerals, they are good for insects and scorpions (safe for children). The B Band (365 nM) torch lamps are most versitile and reasonably priced, most ideal for most mineral hunting. The C Band (short-wave UV) are typically expensive, requre more battery power, and are most dangerous to use, but pick up diverrent minerals than the longer wave bands (A + B). They tend to be more expensive, and their filter loose theri opacity over time. Be sure to have eye protection, and wear gloves and put on high SP number sunscreen on exposed skin. It is recommended to have a charger, extra batteries, and a regular flashlight with you. Scout out potential collecting areas in daylight in advance to note potential hazards (such a mine shafts, etc.).
https://gotbooks.miracosta.edu/fieldtrips/fluorescent_minerals/UV_accessories.html 2/20/2021