Introduction to Earth Science

Introduction to Earth Science

Quiz 11 - Metamorphic Rocks & Processes

1. Where does metamorphism take place?
a. Metamorphism only at depth below the surface.
b. Metamorphism occurs where a per-existing rock is subjected to conditions unlike those in which it formed.
c. Metamorphism occurs only at the surface.
d. All choices are correct.

2. Listed in order of increasing metamorphic grade, a shale could be metamorphosed into:
a. gneiss-phyllite-slate-schist
b. slate-schist-gneiss-phyllite
c. slate-phyllite-schist-gneiss
d. schist-phyllite-slate-gneiss

3. Marble forms from what protolith (the rock from which it formed)?
a. granite
b. limestone
c. slate
d. sandstone
e. shale

4. Which of these is an agent of metamorphism?
a. pressure
b. mountain building
c. heat
d. chemically active fluids
e. All choices are correct.

5. The force exerted on a buried rock by the weight of material above it is called:
a. recrystallization.
b. a geothermal gradient.
c. confining pressure.
d. directed pressure.

6. Where does most regional metamorphism occur?
a. in areas of active mountain building
b. on the seafloor
c. around volcanoes
d. around magmatic intrusions

7. When subject to directed pressure, metamorphosed rocks show a layered or banded texture is called:
a. slate.
b. mylonite.
c. non-foliated texture.
d. foliation.

8. When a granite is subjected to direct pressure, its minerals align themselves to adjust to the pressure, forming:
a. slate
b. granite gneiss
c. amphibolite
d. quartzite

9. What is a migmatite?
a. a metamorphic rock that forms from sandstone.
b. a type of meteorite that has undergone metamorphism.
c. a rock that has been metamorphosed to such high degrees that is has partially melted.
d. a low-grade metamorphic rock containing garnet.

10. Organic matter, mostly plant remains, that escape bacterial decay become a organic sediment called peat. With increasing pressure and temperature with burial over time, peat becomes:
a. lignite, then bituminous coal, then anthracite coal.
b. lignite, then oil, then gas and tar.
c. bituminous coal, then anthracite coal, then natural gas.
d. bituminous coal, then anthracite coal, then lignite.