Introduction to Earth Science

Alternative Assignments

In lieu of participating in field trips, students can choose to spend about 3 hours searching the World-Wide-Web for videos related to the science and nature of natural hazards.

Students can search for videos on on government websites and on, and then compile information about these videos, describing them using the formatted information presented below.

The goal will be to evaluate and rate which of the videos you thought were the best and most useful for sharing with other students.

Upon finding and viewing videos, select at least 10 videos and be sure to copy the URLs for inclusion the assignment write up (see below).

Warning! These assignments are not to be copied from the work of other students! (Work will be checked in the order that they are received.)

Please choose from one of the following choices.

Alternative Assignment #1 - Volcanoes and Volcanic Activity

Search tje World-Wide-Web for videos related to the science and nature of Volcanoes and Volcanic Activity. Here are some related keywords: lahar, strombolian eruption, flowing lava, nuee ardente, pyroclastic flow. Search for examples of eruption activity. Also try selected geographic names: Philippines, Japan, Italy, South America, Hawaii, New Zealand, Alaska, Cascades, Yellowstone, Mammoth Lakes, or other famous volcanoes and volcanic events.

Alternative Assignment #2 - Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Search the World-Wide-Web for videos related to the science and nature of Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Here are some related keywords: earthquake, liquifaction, tsunami, seismic waves. Search for examples of eruption activity. Also try selected geographic names: California, Japan, Chili, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey.

Alternative Assignment #3 - Landslides and Floods

Search the World-Wide-Web for videos related to the science and nature of Landslides and Floods. Here are some related keywords: landslide, flood, debris flow, slump, monsoon, levee collapse, dam collapse, avalanche, rock fall, hurricane surge. Search for examples of eruption activity. Also try selected geographic names: California, China, Mexico, Phillipines, Puerto Rico, New Orleans, Houston.

Alternative Assignment #4 - Storm Erosion

Search the World-Wide-Web for videos related to the science and nature of Storm Erosion - hurricanes and cyclone damage, floods, dam failure . Search additional words as seawall, Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Katrina, dam failure, floods, storm surge, seawall, beach erosion, Florida, Puerto Rico, East Coast, Gulf Coast, California coast.

Preparing and Submitting Assignment Instructions

Alternative Assignment report: Provide the following information about each video

Name of video: (provide the name of the video if one is available)
( example: - be sure to copy the URL before you leave the website)
Length (in minutes):
provide a short description of what the video shows related to geology (provide some keywords and geographic location).
How does it begin? (Are people talking? Is there an introduction? Are you first required to watch a commercial?)
How does it end? (Did something happen that alerted participants to change their behavior? Are there credits?)
Your Rating: (excelent, good, OK, boring, no good, or other comment).

Use the format presented below:

Before you start, you should "copy and paste" the information below into a text editor and gather the necessary information as you watch each video you choose. Be sure to save your work!

When you complete your editing, spell check, and check the formatting before copying the information into the Submission Box for the assignment on CANVAS.

Alternative Assignment #

Name of video:

Length (in minutes):
How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating:

Name of video:


Length (in minutes):

How does it begin?
How does it end?
Your Rating: