Oceanography 101

Quiz Questions - Chapter 17 - Human Impacts: Marine Resources & Pollution

1. A naturally occurring material (mineral or biological in origin) that can be economically exploited through current technological means is called a:
a) resource.
b) reserve.
c) preserve.
d) all of the above.

2. Aquaculture is gradually replacing traditional capture methods used deep-sea fishing. Currently, about what percentage of seafood consumed around the world comes from aquaculture?
a) 10 %.
b) 20 %.
c) 30 %.
d) 80 %.

3. What year was large-scale commercial whaling operations cease (banned) by most countries worldwide?
a) 1900.
b) 1955.
c) 1987.
d) 2014.

4. According to NOAA studies, what percentage of marine pollution comes from sources on land?
a) 60 %.
b) 70 %.
c) 80 %.
d) 90 %.

5. Some pollutant chemicals accumulate in cell tissues as it is consumed, and then are passed along in higher concentrations to the organisms that feed on them. This increase in concentrations in higher orders of a food chain is called:
a) biologic amplification.
b) respiration.
c) carcinogenic.
d) hypoxia.

6. Which would be considered a non-point source of pollution?
a) a smokestack at a power plant.
b) a sewage outfall from a coastal community.
c) a large ship traveling at sea.
d) runoff from parking lots in an urban area.

7. Pollutants from overflowing sewers and urban runoff are a reason for many beach closures in San Diego County. If it rains more that 1/4 inch, how long is it recommend to stay out of the coastal ocean waters along San Diego beaches?
a) 12 hours.
b) 24 hours.
c) 48 hours.
d) 72 hours.

8. Currently, what is the largest contributor of man-made carbon dioxide emissions worldwide?
a) oil.
b) gas.
c) coal.
d) automobiles.

9. Worldwide about how many people suffer health effects or die from heavy-metal pollution each year?
a) 5 million
b) 10 million
c) 50 million
d) 100 million

10. What is considered by the world's Scientific Community to be the major contributing factor to climate change since the Industrial Revolution began in the 1850?
a) sea level rise.
b) melting of Greenland's and Antarctica's continental glaciers.
c) emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.
d) belching and farting cows in large feedlots.