Introduction to Earth Science

Introduction to Earth Science

Quiz 10 - Sedimentary Rocks & Processes

1. Sediments or sedimentary rocks composed of fragments derived from older rocks are called:
a. metamorphic.
b. clastic.
c. non-clastic.
d. shale.
e. None of the choices are correct. 

2. A sedimentary rock that formed from sediments that contains gravel-sized particles is called?
a. shale.
b. conglomerate.
c. sandstone.
d. mudstone.

3. What type of rock consists of angular rock fragments (cemented together) that may be sedimentary, volcanic, or tectonic fracturing origin?
a. breccia
b. conglomerate
c. sandstone
d. limestone
e. All choices are correct

4. A coarse-grained sandstone that contains at least 25 percent feldspar fragments is called:
a. mudstone.
b. conglomerate.
c. arkose.
d. graywacke.
e. None of the choices are correct. 

5. What is the name for a type of limestone composed almost entirely of compacted and cemented shell fragments, commonly associated with deposits that accumulate in an upper-beach setting in warm, humid climates?
a. chalk.
b. coquina.
c. oolitic limestone
d. travertine

6. A rock formed by the replacement of calcite [ CaCO3 ] with the mineral dolomite [ Ca,Mg(CO3)2 ] is called:
a. limestone.
b. mudstone.
c. shale.
d. dolostone.
e. None of the choices are correct. 

7. Organic matter, mostly plant material, that accumulates as sediment in boggy or swampy environmental settings is called:
a. peat.
b. shale.
c. lime mud.
d. ooze.
e.None of the choices are correct. 

8. Which of the following rocks would be considered an evaporite?
a. rock salt
b. gypsum and anhydrite
c. sylvite
d. All choices are correct.

9. Which of the following depositional environments would not likely be considered a high energy environment?
a. a river channel
b. a beach
c. a coral reef
d. a swamp

10. When comparing samples of river sand, beach and dune sand. Which of the following is true?
a. River sand tends to be more rounded and less angular than beach sand.
b. Dune sand tends to be less rounded and more angular than beach sand.
c. Beach sand tends to be more rounded and less angular than river sand. 
d. Dune sand tends to be less rounded and more angular than beach sand. 

11. Layers of sediment or sedimentary rock layers that are only a small fraction of an inch (less than a centimeter) in thickness are called:
a. bedding.
b. lamination.
c. sedimentary facies.
d. a rock formation.

12. Common sedimentary features found in sandstone that are associated with migrating sand dunes includes:
a. fossils.
b. cross bedding.
c. desiccation cracks.
d. graded bedding.
e. All choices are correct.

13. An irregular surface fracture pattern formed by shrinkage of clay, silt, or mud under the drying effects of atmospheric conditions at the surface is called.
a. graded bedding.
b. cross bedding.
c. desiccation cracks.
d. lamination.
e. All choices are correct.

14. Sediments settling out in a lake or ocean basin after an underwater landslide and associated turbidity current results in:
a. graded bedding.
b. cross bedding.
c. desiccation cracks.
d. lamination.
e. None of the choices are correct. 

15. Stirring or mixing of sediment or soil by organisms, especially by burrowing, boring, crawling, feeding or other traces left by biological activity is called:
a. fossils.
b. bioturbation.
c. lithification.
d. deposition.
e. All choices are correct.